Don’t miss out on the abundant life Jesus promises!

Don’t miss out on the abundant life Jesus promises!

As Christians, it’s easy to think we are enjoying freedom under God’s grace. But often the reality of our lives is so very different.

In truth, so many still live under the rule of DO! Do different. Do better. Do more. But true liberty under God’s grace is only experienced when we realize we are set free by what Jesus has DONE! And what He’s done was only possible because of who He was and is today.

It’s only when we embrace the liberating truth of God’s grace to us in Jesus that we experience the abundant life He has supplied. “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full,” He says (John 10:10).

We’d love you to plunge deeper into the depths of God’s grace through Andrew’s 6-sermon series titled Christ And You: Why Jesus Changes Everything!

The CD or MP3 series is our thank you for your donation this month to help others enjoy the abundant life Jesus offers – so request yours when you give below!

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