Share the message of grace across the globe through Christ-centered preaching when you donate to Unlimited Grace
The ministry of Unlimited Grace, founded by Dr. Bryan Chapell, now takes the gospel into 80+ nations and equips the next generation of gospel-centered preachers. Through video, audio, print, and digital resources, Unlimited Grace proclaims the gospel internationally as one of the largest preacher training organizations in the world. But we can’t do this without your support.
Will you consider a gift today to help create more Christ-centered resources? When you give, you directly support our efforts to proclaim the transforming power of God’s unlimited grace through:
- Radio Messages broadcast around the world daily.
- Books written on a variety of topics from personal devotions to training for seasoned pastors.
- Podcast episodes to encourage and equip you in your faith.
- Preaching Courses in multiple languages for training pastors across the globe.
Your gift today will propel the Christ-centered message of unlimited grace across the world today and into the next generation.
Use the secure form below to make your donation and equip the next generation for Christ-centered preaching!
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This ministry is only able to impact lives through faithful gosple partners and their generous ongoing support.
As more people turn to Unlimited Grace to better understand God's love for them, the need for monthly donors grows to make sure these resources and programs are available when people need them.
We want to add 5 new monthly donors before the month ends. Since you understand the value Bryan Chapell's teachings would you consider becoming one? A monthly gift, no matter the size, enables these timely resources to consistently be available.