Just $12.50 provides a week of food and resources to the least of these in Jesus’ name

Just $12.50 provides a week of food and resources to the least of these in Jesus’ name

I’m asking for your help to provide urgent relief to Holocaust survivor families and others facing life-threatening hunger.

Your gift below will equip and empower volunteers like *Eliana to provide life-sustaining food and necessities to vulnerable families through The Joshua Fund.

*Eliana lives in one of several housing complexes in Israel designated for Holocaust survivors...and the number of people battling hunger grows as economic uncertainty continues to impact an already volatile region.

It only takes $50 each month to deliver food and supplies to a struggling family in a community like *Eliana’s.

That means...

  • $100 provides two months of food and supplies
  • $300 is enough to give a family food and resources for 6 months, and
  • $600 feeds and resources a family for a full year!!

So thank you for giving generously to help these survivors and others living in poverty put food on their tables during a time when their next meal isn’t guaranteed.

“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, & he will reward them for what they have done.” (Pr. 19:17)

You’re a blessing!

Joel C. Rosenberg
Founder and Chairman
The Joshua Fund

*Eliana's name changed for security purposes

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      When you give to The Joshua Fund, your donations feed the hungry, care for Holocaust survivors, protect the unborn, purchase medical equipment, provide for widows and orphans, and so much more. 

      Founded by best-selling author Joel C. Rosenberg and his wife Lynn in 2006, The Joshua Fund is a non-profit organization dedicated to blessing Israel and Her Neighbors in the name of Jesus, according to Genesis 12:1-3.

      The Joshua Fund
      (703) 860-0166
      PO Box 3468
      McLean, Virginia 22103