Provide food and the love of Christ with a family in need.

Provide food and the love of Christ with a family in need.

FOR OVER 2,000 YEARS, there has been a war over the hearts and minds of people living in the Epicenter. Christianity has struggled to take root in the very land where Jesus did ministry—where He commissioned His followers to “go and make disciples of all nations.” 

Increasing hostility against Christians in the Middle East means we must act NOW to show the love of Christ.

God prophesied in Genesis 12, “I will bless those who bless you.”

Will you bless Israel & Her Neighbors in the name of Jesus and discover what blessings He will bring? 

Three ways your gift can make a tremendous difference:

  • $50 can provide food and essential resources for a family in need.
  • $150 can help support a pastor and his family serving in a problematic region.
  • $225 can fund expenses for a mother and her newborn for one year.

Donate to The Joshua Fund. Join me as we share the love of Christ with the very people groups Jesus first showed His love to as we head toward the last days.

You’re a blessing!

Joel C. Rosenberg
Founder and Chairman
The Joshua Fund

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      When you give to The Joshua Fund, your donations feed the hungry, care for Holocaust survivors, protect the unborn, purchase medical equipment, provide for widows and orphans, and so much more. 

      Founded by best-selling author Joel C. Rosenberg and his wife Lynn in 2006, The Joshua Fund is a non-profit organization dedicated to blessing Israel and Her Neighbors in the name of Jesus, according to Genesis 12:1-3.

      The Joshua Fund
      (703) 860-0166
      PO Box 96486
      Washington, District of Columbia 20090-6486