Sponsor Garrett

Sponsor Garrett

Garetteā€™s Story


While I was living in the world, I was living a very sinful life living with ungodly roommates and one day realized how far away from God I truly was. I tried getting sober on my own, but was becoming very aware of my sin, which made me concerned for my soul. Like the prodigal son, I returned home and through the guidance of my family they brought me to Adult & Teen Challenge. I have been getting back on the fruitful, productive path God always had for me. I am praying for a deeper understanding of God and building my relationship with Him. He has been helping me to realize, that God was with me even all those years I was lost in the world.

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      Adult & Teen Challenge of Texas- Student Sponsorship Program
      3850 S. Loop 1604 W.
      San Antonio, Texas 78264