Samuel U. Rodgers Health Center Pediatric Wing Capital Campaign
To address this primary care shortage and to increase access to care for the community’s most vulnerable population, children, plans are underway for a new 40-room, 30,000-square-foot pediatric wing. It will house WIC, behavioral health, and dental to enhance the accessibility of these services—and is slated to create 37 new jobs. As plans are being laid for a groundbreaking this spring, fundraising is still in full swing. The pediatric wing capital campaign has reached about 90% of its goal to raise $23.5. However, more support is needed. Specifically, there is $2.3 million left to raise to receive a $2 million challenge grant, a dollar-for-dollar match, from the Mabee Foundation. Please help us leverage the additional dollars needed to receive the grant, and increase access to high quality, compassionate, and affordable health care in the center of the Metro.