Nelson University Century Society

Nelson University Century Society

Help us build a firm foundation for the next 100 years as we continue to equip Spirit-empowered leaders for this moment.

A recurring gift is a commitment to providing regular, ongoing financial support for Nelson University and its students, and when multiple numbers of individuals remain faithful in their giving, Nelson leadership can better gauge the University’s financial vitality and more robustly establish short- and long-term vision. The need for recurring monthly donors becomes even more crucial as Nelson University prepares to move into our next 100 years. For The 2027 Project, we are seeking 100 new donors to make a 1-year commitment to giving $100 a month, or if you’re currently giving less, to increase your monthly giving to $100.

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Beginning next month, the same amount will be processed on the date selected until the subscription is modified or cancelled.

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      Nelson University (Formerly SAGU)
      (972) 825-4855
      1200 Sycamore St
      Waxahachie, Texas 75165

      Checks may be made payable to "Nelson University" and sent to the address provided above this line.