The Path to Sustainable Giving. Love is a verb

The Path is a way to love people with your gift to help Rice and Beans Ministries have a monthly budget.

Because of Your Recurring Gift we are continually able to improve lives in your backyard and in communities around the world. Your Gift helps us change lives, share our vision and love our neighbors.

Our shared vision is to meet people where they are, sharing the love of Christ, and giving them hope that does not disappoint. 

Remember - Know you are loved by the way you live. Go Live Love.


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The same amount will then be recurrently processed starting on the date selected, until the subscription is modified or cancelled.

For example: Johnny Smith, Sue Smith's Birthday, etc.

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        By Sharing your love through your gift helps us share love around the world.

        Rice and Beans Ministries
        PO Box 626
        Petal, Mississippi 39465