Provide hope for more women in crisis pregnancy

Your generosity enables Prestonwood Pregnancy Center to walk with women through every moment of an unplanned pregnancy, so they’re empowered to choose life and embrace hope. Please give now to make this possible for more families in crisis.

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Beginning next month, the same amount will be processed on the date selected until the subscription is modified or cancelled.

For example: Johnny Smith, Sue Smith's Birthday, etc.

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        The security and confidentiality of your information is our highest priority. We use industry-standard SSL (secure socket layer) technology to protect your information and provide a safe and secure environment for online donations. We will not sell, trade or share your personal information with anyone else, nor send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations.

        About This Form

        Prestonwood Pregnancy Center has partnered with RaiseDonors to assist in the processing of donations.

        Prestonwood Pregnancy Center
        690 W. Campbell Road, Suite 150
        Richardson, Texas 75080

        All donations are secure.

        As a separate 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Prestonwood Pregnancy Center is able to provide all services at no charge through the generosity of its faithful supporters.

        Privacy Policy

        To access this form on its own page, click the link below:
        Impact Report: Portrait of Wonder, Care, Healing

        About RaiseDonors

        RaiseDonors is the simple, secure and affordable way to accept donations online.

        RaiseDonors, LLC
        PO Box 488
        Coppell, Texas 75019
        United States

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