Courageous hard-cover book and Courageous Encouragement Cards

Courageous hard-cover book and Courageous Encouragement Cards

With our thanks for your generous gift of support ...

One hard-cover copy of Dr. Jeffress' book, Courageous: 10 Strategies for Thriving in a Hostile World plus the Courageous Encouragement Cards

About Courageous ...

Christians today face relentless attacks from an ungodly culture, a formidable spiritual adversary, and our own fallen natures. Yet we cannot afford to surrender to these very real enemies. Because if we do, we fail in our mission to share the hope of Christ with the world.

Just as survivalists use strategies to overcome threatening situations, Courageous explains ten biblical strategies for surviving--and thriving--in a world that is hostile to our faith.

If you've felt your faith is under attack, if you're struggling with the temptation to follow the crowd despite biblical teaching to the contrary, or if you're just feeling weary, the ten strategies in Courageous will provide fresh fire and new hope.

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          Dallas, Texas 75222-3609