One copy of the 2021 Pathway to Victory Daily Devotional,Jesus: The Fulfillment of God's Prophecies brochure, and The Incomparable Christ series on DVD video and MP3-format audio disc

One copy of the 2021 Pathway to Victory Daily Devotional,Jesus: The Fulfillment of God's Prophecies brochure, and The Incomparable Christ series on DVD video and MP3-format audio disc

IMPORTANT: The Incomparable Christ is the teaching series seen on TBN weekdays at 11am CT | Noon ET

In appreciation for your $100 gift — The brand-new 2021 Pathway to Victory Daily Devotional and Jesus: The Fulfillment of God's Prophecies brochure, and The Incomparable Christ series on DVD video and MP3-format audio disc.

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          Pathway to Victory

          PO Box: 223609
          Dallas, Texas 75222-3609