Please provide emergency tarps for persecuted Christians

Please provide emergency tarps for persecuted Christians

Christians in the Nuba mountains of Sudan are struggling to handle a surge of up to 500,000 refugees who are fleeing a deadly power struggle that has already cost thousands of innocents their lives.

The greatest need right now is for emergency shelter for our Nuba brothers and sisters. Through a donation of $40 or more today, you can provide an emergency tarp for one entire family fleeing the conflict zones as they seek to rebuild their lives.

  • $40 shelters an entire family
  • $80 shelters two families
  • $400 shelters 10 families

When you give, you'll provide many nights of peaceful sleep. And you'll give the life-giving promises of God's Word to those being persecuted in His name. 

Thank you for your donation below. Whether it’s $40 or $400 God will use it to provide help and hope to our suffering family in Sudan.

We pray God blesses you for putting your compassion to work.

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      Your gift will be rushed to the field and put to use to minister to our Christian brothers and sisters in Sudan.

      Occasionally, we receive more donations for a given project than can be wisely applied to that project. When that happens, we use the extra funds to meet a similar need. Our policy is to meet the needs God lays before us, so that Christ is lifted up and the Gospel advanced.

      Persecution Project
      (888) 201-5245
      P.O. Box 1327
      Culpeper, Virginia 22701