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Total Gift
Beginning next month, the same amount will be processed on the date selected until the subscription is modified or cancelled.
Partners is a registered 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions to Partners are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Every reasonable effort will be made to honor your gift designation. However, if the designated program is fully funded, your gift will be used in another ministry activity closely aligned to your interest or where funds are most needed to support the vision and mission of Partners.
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Is my donation secure?
The security and confidentiality of your information is our highest priority. We use industry-standard SSL (secure socket layer) technology to protect your information and provide a safe and secure environment for online donations. We will not sell, trade or share your personal information with anyone else, nor send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations.
About This Form
Partners has partnered with RaiseDonors to assist in the processing of donations.
To access this form on its own page, click the link below: Party with a Purpose
About RaiseDonors
RaiseDonors is the simple, secure and affordable way to accept donations online.
RaiseDonors, LLC PO Box 488 Coppell, Texas 75019 United States
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