Let's believe for miracles in 2024!
My father, Oral Roberts, was known for his tent crusades where he prayed powerful healing prayers, resulting in many miracles. One day, my dad went to visit his long-time associate, Bob, in the hospital. Bob needed a miracle. My dad prayed for him and left the room. Bob’s granddaughter followed my dad out, crying, and said “Oral Roberts, you did not pray a “tent prayer” over my grandfather. Please go back in and pray like you prayed when you preached in your tent crusades.” So, my dad walked back into the room and prayed a powerful healing prayer. God answered that “tent prayer” and Bob recovered.
I would like to send you a canvas-colored “tent prayer’ cloth I have prayed over and signed to remind you that you have authority and power, in the name of Jesus, to believe for miracles. Just fill out the form below to request it.
Your partner for miracles,