Be A Super Hero!
You are invited to join the Heartland Hands Giving Club.
Your membership in this group makes giving very convenient. You can set up your giving for the year in a few minutes and have the good feeling of knowing you have provided a consistent flow of funds to help people throughout the year.
You then receive less mail, saving Open Door Mission money we can use to feed, shelter and care for those in need. Plus, letting us know when you plan to give helps us plan for the months when our gift income falls to low levels.
By becoming member of the Heartland Hands Giving Club, you assure a safe place will be available to all who come to Open Door Mission in their moment of need. You will be a blessing to them — just as you are a blessing to me.
Please take advantage of this offer to join the Heartland Hands Giving Club today. May God bless you
For more information about Heartland Hands, contact Nancy at