Children's Education

Why Children's Education?

Quality education is critical for the development of children and their entire communities. While there is a 91% primary education enrollment rate in developing countries, this is not an accurate indicator of the quality, accessibility, and equity of the education available. Factors including poverty, gender, conflict, or instability are all linked to the quality of education that students receive. The effects of COVID-19 exacerbated educational inequality, especially in countries where access to remote learning was limited and significant learning gaps already existed.  Investing in educational programs can greatly improve students’ chances of breaking the poverty trap.

Did You Know?

  • 57 million primary school aged children are not enrolled in school.
  • In the world’s least developed regions, only 44% of school aged children are enrolled in secondary school, compared to 95% in high-income countries.
  • 1 in 4 girls in low-income countries are not enrolled in school.
  • 53% of school aged children in low and middle income countries are considered learning-poor: unable to read or understand a simple text by the age of 10.

One Day's Wages comes alongside grassroots partners to address education barriers and disparities.  When you contribute to our Children's Education fund, 100% of your donation (minus transaction fees) goes directly to our carefully vetted partners implementing education projects in under-resourced communities.


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        One Days Wages
        PO Box 17575
        Seattle, Washington 98127