Class of 2024 Senior Class Gift 

We have all benefited in one way or another from the generous contributions of the Hounds that have come before us, and now it is our turn to invest in the Hounds that will follow us. Tuition and fees cover only approximately ⅔ of a Moravian education, and support from dedicated donors makes up the rest. The Senior Class Gift helps to bridge that gap and makes Moravian a stronger institution. This year’s contributions to the Senior Class Gift Campaign will benefit current and future Hounds.

If you would like to give your Senior Class Gift using your security deposit, please fill out the Security Deposit Gift form instead of using this giving page. 


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For example: Johnny Smith, Sue Smith's Birthday, etc.

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Please spell check, include how you would like your name(s) signed, mention the amount if desired, and format your message as you would like it delivered.

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    Moravian University
    1200 Main Street
    Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18018