Donate to the PFAS Emergency Fund

The Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA) and Maine Farmland Trust (MFT) are jointly administering a PFAS emergency fund to support any farm dealing with potential PFAS contamination.

The fund's primary purposes are:

  • To help pay for initial PFAS testing on farms that choose to do their own testing.
  • To fund wellness costs for impacted farmers.
  • To provide short-term income replacement for farms that the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (DACF) has identified as having high test results.
  • To invest in infrastructural improvements to help PFAS impacted farms remain viable

This fund is meant to serve as a safety net to provide interim support, getting the farms from their initial PFAS testing to when they can access DACF's longer-term PFAS support programs.

This is a much needed lifeline for farms who are facing extreme stress and uncertainty about their futures. In addition to administering the fund, MOFGA and MFT are working collaboratively to:

  • Provide technical assistance to impacted farms.
  • Support mental health counseling for impacted farms.
  • Create communication tools and resources for farms.
  • Educate the community about PFAS.
  • Advocate to address the root causes of PFAS contamination at the state and federal levels.

Your contribution to this fund will help create a safety net for farms that are testing, and help ensure that we have a safe food supply. Thank you for making a contribution to help support Maine’s farms!

We're deeply grateful to Erin French and The Lost Kitchen for their support of the PFAS Emergency Fund in Spring 2022, which raised nearly $1 million for farms affected by PFAS contamination. If you're looking for information about reservations for The Lost Kitchen for Spring 2023, please visit their website reservations page.


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      Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association
      294 Crosby Brook Rd
      Unity, Maine 04988