Become a Survivor Supporter

Become a Survivor Supporter

Your one-time or recurring donation helps local families fight, survive, and live with cancer.

Miles Perret Cancer Services is a resource center for individuals and their families fighting, surviving, and living with cancer. We are here to provide emotional support, guidance, programs, and most of all, hope. Our services are comprehensive and always provided at no charge. No appointment is necessary and there are no qualifications. We are located in Lafayette, and our mobile unit and outreach program extend services throughout Acadiana.

Since 2002, Miles Perret Cancer Services has served over 21,000 local families. However, the reality of our success is not in numbers but in lives changed. By taking control of their individual paths to wellness, our clients are empowered to think of themselves not as cancer patients, but as survivors.

“Miles Perret Cancer Services has been a shining light to me upon learning of my cancer diagnosis. This organization has provided excellent resources and support services from the beginning, throughout treatment and afterward. I am so grateful that this organization exists - it is a treasure to cancer patients and survivors of the Acadiana community.” - MPCS Client


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For example: Johnny Smith, Sue Smith's Birthday, etc.

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        “When I was first diagnosed, I thought I had a death sentence with breast cancer, but after coming to Miles Perret and hearing all the services they had to offer, it gave me hope.” - MPCS Client

        Miles Perret Cancer Services
        LAFAYETTE, Louisiana 70508