Doctrine It's All About Jesus

Doctrine It's All About Jesus

This 10-year anniversary limited edition builds upon the first version, originally published in 2010. Doctrine seeks to trace the big theological themes of Scripture along with the storyline of the Bible and is packed with significant doctrinal truth in an approachable format. For your gift of any amount in the month of November pre-order this special leatherbound limited edition book from Pastor Mark and Dr. Gerry Breshears.

Your generosity helps us get free Bible teaching to so many like this story we recently received to the inbox:

“I was born and raised as a Muslim as I got older I became disenchanted by Islam. This caused me to become a universalist and follow new-age spiritual beliefs. I started a descent into the demonic that almost overtook me and shattered my marriage and life. But by the grace of God, last year I heard a calling to follow Christ. In my search for good Bible teachers, I found Pastor Mark and Real Faith. Your sermons helped me see the light and fully commit my life to Christ. Your teachings and books have been such a blessing for me and my husband. Thank you again for all the hard work you do. May God continue to bless you, your families, and your ministries.”

If you'd like to receive Vintage Jesus talks, Q&A, notes, and transcripts, just click the "Make this a monthly gift" box below to become a recurring donor. This month's talk is called "What Difference Has Jesus Made in History?"

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          RealFaith by Mark Driscoll

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          14747 N Northsight Blvd Ste 111-376
          Scottsdale, Arizona 85260