Duck Duck Doom
Duck Duck Doom is a commentary based in the book of Romans that answers all your questions on predestination, election, Calvinism vs. Arminianism, and so much more. For your gift of any amount to Real Faith during the month of March, we'll send you a physical copy of the book.
Your generosity helps us get free Bible teaching to so many like this story we recently received to the inbox:
I want to thank [Pastor Mark] for delivering the gospel in a way that speaks to my heart and so many countless others. I want to say that I appreciate him being the vessel that Jesus chose to speak to me [...] and I want to thank him for making his service so easy to access without a church. I'm just very thankful that Jesus has chosen Pastor Mark to facilitate that change in people. I believe in him as a gospel man and thank him for his continued service.
Thank you for your generous giving that helps us get mountains of Bible teaching out each month to more and more people all over the world.