Thank You For Your Generous Support!

LIKEWISE WORSHIP "NASHVILLE" is launching in 2025!

Heather and I are honored to join this vital ministry that is expanding across the USA, providing much needed community, care and coaching for worship leaders.
We believe that WORSHIP IS WARFARE and that those whom the Lord has called to lead worship in the local church are on the front lines of this spiritual battle!

We desire to see these leaders become and remain healthy on stage and in their homes as they serve the Bride of Christ. 

In order for us to effectively launch and fulfill the Likewise Worship mission in Middle Tennessee, we need your help!

Like many other missionary organizations, Likewise Worship is working hard to develop a team of financial partners who provide the necessary funds for maximum outreach and impact. 

These "Launch Funds" will allow us to get Likewise Nashville off of the ground in early 2025!
When you give to Likewise Nashville, your support funds...
... resources for our monthly gatherings.
... our clinics, workshops and coaching opportunities.
... our discipleship meetings and resources.
... our subscriptions, communication and non-profit costs.
... financial assistance and scholarship funds for retreats.

... missionary salary and support staff costs.

MONTHLY SUPPORT GOAL - $4,600 in monthly gifts
LAUNCH CAPITOL GOAL - $23,600 in one-time or special annual commitments

Thank you SO MUCH for your prayers and generous support!
"that they may ALL be ONE." - John 17:21

 Carl Cartee  - Pastor & Area Director - Likewise Nashville, TN


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      Likewise Worship
      419 Main Street, Suite #147
      Huntington Beach, California 92648