New Environment and Education Center:

Our Commitment to Lake Tahoe

Help us create a new home for the League and leave your mark on Tahoe’s premiere environmental facility. Your legacy will be a healthy, vibrant Lake Tahoe for generations to come.

Since 1957, the League to Save Lake Tahoe has been the leader in environmental protection, preservation and restoration in the Tahoe Basin.

For all our 65 years, the generosity of supporters like you have made possible our many wins for the Lake – from stopping San Francisco-sized development in the Basin, to unlocking over $1 billion for projects that restore the natural wonder you cherish.

You can ensure Tahoe remains beautiful and blue by making an investment in the Lake’s future.


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For example: Johnny Smith, Sue Smith's Birthday, etc.

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      League to Save Lake Tahoe
      2608 Lake Tahoe Boulevard
      South Lake Tahoe, California 96150