Thank you for sponsoring a walker or runner!

Thank you for sponsoring a walker or runner in the 2024 Jewel Jog!

When "Jewel Joggers" collect $50 in donations, they earn an exclusive Jewel Jog T-shirt.  When they collect $500 in donations, they earn a custom-designed Jewel sweatshirt AND the exclusive Jewel Jog T-shirt.  Thank you for helping them reach their goal! 

 Please be sure to type the name of the person you are sponsoring in the comments section of this page so they get credit towards these incentives!

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      Jewel Women's Center does not provide abortion nor make referrals for abortion.

      Jewel Women’s Center
      (570) 624-7244
      103 East Main Street
      Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania 17972