Share 'The Songs Tell the Story' with your kids!
Imagine your children or grandchildren singing Christmas hymns and songs, not because they know the words or enjoy the melody, but because they understand the deeper meaning of the song.
Imagine how their faith might grow by hearing a word from God through the origin stories of 25 well-known Christmas songs.
That’s what Janet Denison has written in The Songs Tell the Story, and we’re offering both an adult and a children’s edition of this Advent devotional.
While supplies last, you may request both the adult and children’s editions of The Songs Tell the Story for your donation of $50 or more.
That means you and your children (or grandchildren) can read about the same song each day leading up to Christmas Day.
And you can have invaluable discussions with your children while also deepening their faith and increasing their understanding of these songs the next time you sing them at church or at home.
In The Songs Tell the Story, Janet Denison relates the origin stories for 25 classic Christmas songs and hymns.
Did you know:
- “What Child is This?” was penned by a poetry-writing insurance salesman who suffered a near-fatal illness.
- The lyrics and melody of “O Holy Night” were written by non-Christians.
- And “We Three Kings,” at least in its title, is likely factually incorrect.
While such facts are interesting, what makes The Songs Tell the Story most compelling is how Janet Denison’s biblical insight turns every origin story into a devotional, reminding us of Jesus, the true gift of Christmas.

If you begin reading The Songs Tell the Story on Dec. 1, you’ll finish on Christmas Day. Each chapter is short enough to be read in just a few minutes—though you will think about their application throughout your day.
We first released this book in 2019, but we’re re-releasing it because it has proven to be such a popular devotional.
Request your book bundle of The Songs Tell the Story today to ensure you and your family can begin the readings on Dec. 1.
You will be inspired, encouraged, and blessed by the lesser-known stories of these 25 well-known songs.
Additionally, when you request your book or book bundle, we’ll send you links to two Spotify playlists we’ve created to accompany your reading.
- One playlist contains traditional versions of every song in the book.
- Another playlist contains modern-day covers of each song.
We hope that, after reading about how a Christmas hymn came to be, you and your family will want to listen to the song with a newfound appreciation for how God worked to bring such a timeless song into our yearly celebrations of the gift of Christmas.
If we have ears to hear, we’ll understand that these songs truly do tell the story of Jesus, the gift of Christmas.
Request The Songs Tell the Story book bundle today, and may its words enlighten and inspire you this Advent season.
P. S. If you wish to receive only the adult edition of The Songs Tell the Story, please click here.
If you'd like to order multiple The Songs Tell the Story bundles, please make a donation of at least $53 for each bundle and note how many you'd like to order in the comments box.
*If you choose to make a gift in memory of or in honor of, you are giving us permission to provide the recipient with your contact information (name, email, phone number and physical address). If you do not wish to share this information, please make a note in the “Your Message to the Recipient” box.