With the Russian invasion of Ukraine many Jewish people have fled their homes and need assistance to get to safety.

The ICEJ has stepped in, sending rescue teams to help get them out of their dire situation. Your help is needed to rescue Ukrainian Jews trapped in this conflict.

Your support for the ICEJ's Ukrainian Aliyah Fund will help provide:

  • Evacuation of Holocaust Survivors: We are working with an evacuation team to rescue, transport, house, and fly to Israel some 75 survivors located all over the embattled country
  • Evacuation & Shelter - $850 per person to assist those fleeing and entering refugee/transit centers near the western border of Ukraine. Ukrainian Jews will be given sanctuary while they wait for transport to Israel.
  • Rescue Flights -  $805 per person to assist with transportation by land and then by air, through a neighboring country to Israel
  • Emergency Housing & Care - $1,250 per person to cover emergency absorption costs in Israel. New olim (immigrants) will need to be given shelter and food for up to 3 months upon arrival in Israel
  • Medical Expenses - Many arrive in need of medical assistance for untreated conditions

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      The ICEJ-USA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
      International Christian Embassy Jerusalem - USA, Inc.
      (615) 895-9830
      PO BOX 332974
      Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37133-2974

      The ICEJ-USA is a US registered 501(c)(3) non-profit. 

      All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.