Psalm 102 speaks of a day when the Lord “will arise and have mercy on Zion,” saying this was written for a “generation to come.” You can be a part of that privileged generation and partner with the Lord in His work to restore Zion, for the set time has come.
By becoming a Covenant, Ambassadorial, Builder of Zion, Gateway of Zion, or Watchman of Zion Partner* with the ICEJ, you can join with us as we make a real difference in the lives of Israelis, fighting against the lies told about Israel in the media, and helping Christians across this nation stand with the Jewish people at this critical moment in history.
Choose your partner level below and
commit with us monthly to stand with Israel
* Watchman of Zion partners are those that reach $50,000 in lifetime giving. For larger donations, please call (615) 895-9830