Help Strengthen the Fight to End Abortion in America!
Since the new Congress and Administration took over in January, Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry have expanded their influence and power in our culture. They’ve taken root in churches, communities, businesses, and the government. And they’ve used their influence to target moms facing unexpected pregnancies more aggressively than ever.
However, even in the face of opposition, the pro-life movement isn’t backing down.
Thanks to the support of champions of life like you, the pro-life movement is solidifying victory after victory across the country. In states like Texas, North Carolina, Arkansas, and Georgia, Human Coalition Action has worked closely with pro-life policymakers to pass legislation that protects life in the womb. And most recently, the fight for life reached the Supreme Court with a historic challenge to Roe v. Wade.
The momentum to end abortion is growing. But so is the opposition of the new administration. That’s why your immediate help is needed to strengthen the fight to protect life.
During this back-to-school season, Human Coalition Action has set the goal to raise $10,000 by September 30 to continue unifying the pro-life movement and advance pro-life legislation in the year ahead.

Will you bravely take a stand against Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry by giving TODAY?
The tide is turning in our culture, and even if Roe v. Wade is overturned, the fight for life will not be over. It will still need to press forward at the state-level.
But by giving today, YOU advance policy to rescue future generations of children and families from the devastation of abortion. YOU grow and unify the movement for life nationwide. And YOU defend preborn children at all levels of government.
Will you give today to help strengthen the fight to end abortion in America – and rescue future generations of children?