Give a gift to honor the life and legacy of Dr. Lindy "Dad" McGowan

Give a gift to honor the life and legacy of Dr. Lindy "Dad" McGowan

Dad McGowan had an overflowing love for vulnerable children and for his Savior.

He dedicated his life to rescuing countless children who would have otherwise been cast out or abandoned, and your gift helps the ministry he started over 55 years ago live on. 

With your generous gift today, you’ll ensure that together we can care for more vulnerable children and bring them into the Hope family where they’ll experience God’s love firsthand.

Your support today will make all the difference in the lives of precious children who need stability, security, and hope for a better future. Thank you!

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The same amount will then be recurrently processed starting on the date selected, until the subscription is modified or cancelled.

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      Hope Children’s Home
      11415 Hope International Drive
      Tampa, Florida 33625