Your Mother’s Day gift DOUBLES to help more children experience God’s love!

Your Mother’s Day gift DOUBLES to help more children experience God’s love!

Mother’s Day can be an extremely painful day for children who aren’t able to live with their biological mothers.  

But your gift today – doubled by the $40,000 Match – helps show these boys and girls the ever-present love of their Heavenly Father promised in Deuteronomy 31:6: 

“He will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.” 

Thank you for helping hurting children experience God’s never-ending love for them. Your generosity is changing lives – for eternity. 

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The same amount will then be recurrently processed starting on the date selected, until the subscription is modified or cancelled.

For example: Johnny Smith, Sue Smith's Birthday, etc.

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      Hope Children’s Home
      11415 Hope International Drive
      Tampa, Florida 33625