Your special Christmas gift for the children in Honduras will go TWICE as far!

Your special Christmas gift for the children in Honduras will go TWICE as far!

We care for children that, through no fault of their own, find themselves in a situation of needed rescue.

Shipping items to us in Honduras is very difficult and costly.

To provide Christmas for our children in Honduras, please give below, and we will use your gift to purchase the items here.

To purchase Christmas Gifts, it costs about $90 per child x 26 children.

A Christmas financial gift of any amount would also be a blessing to continue rescuing children in Honduras! 

A couple friends of Hope stepped with a $35,000 matching grant, so your gift will be doubled!

Thank you for your generosity. 

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Beginning next month, the same amount will be processed on the date selected until the subscription is modified or cancelled.

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      Hope Children’s Home
      11415 Hope International Drive
      Tampa, Florida 33625