Thank you for your gift today to help meet the need for Bibles for needy children

Thank you for your gift today to help meet the need for Bibles for needy children

Your gift today is deeply appreciated as it enables Hope Children’s Home to provide Bibles to children who come through the doors of one of our homes.

Through your generosity you help these precious children know that the God who made them loves them and wants to give them an eternal home with Him.

And remember… your gift today will be DOUBLED by a $5,000 Matching Grant so that even more children can receive their very own copy of God’s Word – the life-changing story of God’s love for them!

Thank you for giving as generously as you can to ensure that every child can have access to their own Bible.

Your Donation

This month's donation will be processed immediately.

Beginning next month, the same amount will be processed on the date selected until the subscription is modified or cancelled.

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      Hope Children’s Home
      11415 Hope International Drive
      Tampa, Florida 33625