Help Equip More Parents with Biblical Parenting Resources

Each day, Heartlight is contacted by parents who are pulling their hair out because they simply don’t know how they can help their teens. These are caring, well-intentioned parents who don’t have what they need to effectively guide, correct, or influence their children. The parenting techniques that they learned from their parents, or that used to be effective in the past, simply aren’t cutting it. They need help.

For more than 40 years, Mark Gregston has been working with teens and learning what works when it comes to communication, discipline, boundaries, and instilling a sense of value. During that time, Mark has built up an arsenal of tools to equip parents everywhere to help their teens get out of a downward spiral.

Now Mark is on a mission to make the resources he’s accumulated for decades free for everyone to use and share.

This has resulted in:

  • Over half a million people reading Parenting Today’s Teens blog content.
  • More than 30,000 people who have taken an online course or downloaded a resource.
  • People listening to biblical parenting programming on over 1,700 radio stations across America, and thousands more online through podcasts
  • Reaching people online in over 53 countries who are trying to become better parents.  

As our ministry continues to grow, so does the cost of making those resources free and available to people. We cannot meet this need without your support.

Will you make a gift to help us reach more struggling parents with the tools they need to help their teens?

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      Heartlight Ministries
      P.O. Box 480
      Hallsville, Texas 75650