Discipling a Nation: One Isolated Believer at a Time

Discipling a Nation: One Isolated Believer at a Time

One of the biggest threats facing the fast-growing underground church in Iran is the lack of a firm foundation for their new faith. Heart4Iran is working hard to meet this great need and we are excited to share our newest project with you! 

Although there are a variety of Western resources with a solid theological foundation that are translated into Farsi, they can be far removed from the indigenous cultural, social and political context. Experience shows that Muslim background believers (MBB’s) best respond to tools and resources that reflect their ethnic and indigenous identity. “The Alphabet of Christianity” is a contextualized discipleship curriculum to provide the next step in “church planting” across Iran. Developed by widely respected and highly educated Iranian theologians and pastors, it will provide a curriculum rich in historic Christian theology to MBB’s everywhere. This resource will be used in our online small groups that come from the Virtual Church services we provide– all written by indigenous people for indigenous people.

Will you partner with Heart4Iran as we answer the call to disciple this nation? As we work strategically to plant house churches in this persecuted nation, you can help connect isolated believers and reach the Underground Church movement today! The Iranian underground church is ALIVE but in need of more resources to continue their faith journey. As the Western Church, we are beyond blessed with in-person church services, Bible studies, small groups, and more– let us provide our brothers and sisters in Iran with these same resources and community today.

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      Chesapeake, Virginia 23320