Start making change in your school

Start making change in your school

Your support helps kids thrive by bringing families and schools together to ensure students have access to safe places to play and be active, nutritious foods, and healthy, supportive experiences.

Help build a healthier future for all by helping us mobilize families and schools to take actions that improve kids' physical and emotional health, giving them the foundation to thrive.

When you support Healthy Kids, you’re standing with thousands of other champions of children’s health to create a more equitable future for our kids.

Thank you for your generous support of children across the nation. 

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      Healthy Kids America® is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, and all gifts are tax deductible as allowed by law.
      Tax ID: 87-6543210
      Healthy Kids America
      (866) 329-4009
      1 N 1st ST STE 610
      Phoenix, Arizona 85004-2357