Why Donate? Because Gateway Rescue Mission meets real human need. We practice what Jesus preached by offering the hungry something to eat and the thirsty something to drink. Offering a hot meal to a hungry person is a simple, yet profound way to offer the love of Jesus. We don´t just talk about what we ought to do as Christians, we do it.
But a meal is only the beginning. Your gift supports programs that point our guests to the transformative power of Jesus Christ. Your gift supports a local organization that meets needs right here in Mississippi. Your gift shows that you care, and helps support true life change.

Join our Warriors Club by becoming a monthly donor. Why have a monthly donor’s club? Because it will allow us to help more people. Lives are being changed at Gateway Rescue Mission. Men are coming to Christ, getting sober, and getting jobs. They are learning how to live a new life of purpose. Help support this effort by joining our Warriors Club by becoming a monthly donor.

Want you read a story about life change?  Read about James Logan’s life change journey by clicking here.


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The same amount will then be recurrently processed starting on the date selected, until the subscription is modified or cancelled.

For example: Johnny Smith, Sue Smith's Birthday, etc.

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        Gateway Rescue Mission
        P.O. Box 3763
        Jackson, Mississippi 39203