Leave Your Mark on the Henry Whittemore Library!

Leave Your Mark on the Henry Whittemore Library!

The Henry Whittemore Library is the heart of Framingham State University, empowering students, faculty, and staff with resources, technology, and support that fuel learning and innovation in our diverse community.

Help shape the future of this vital resource by purchasing a personalized brick. Your brick will feature your name or that of a loved one and will be proudly displayed at the library’s main entrance. This lasting legacy directly supports library programs, archives, technology, and more.

Every brick purchased helps us maintain excellence and accessibility for the entire FSU community. Join us in building a brighter future—one brick at a time!

Your personalized 4" x 8" brick can have up to three lines of text. Each line can have up to 18 characters including punctuation and spacing.


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      To learn more about FSU Library Innovation Campaign Bricks, call 508-626-4012 or e-mail alumni@framingham.edu .

      Framingham State University Foundation, Inc.
      100 State Street
      Framingham, Massachusetts 01701