Sponsor Barraka Today

Sponsor Barraka Today

Barraka is 12 years old. He was living with his biological father and attending school in primary three. His father can no longer pay the school fees due to lack of income. Barraka now lives with his mother and other siblings. His mother is currently unemployed and taking care of the children at their home.

Barraka says that he really wants to be back in school so that he can receive an education and one day become a teacher. He wants to be able to help other children learn. 

Sponsorship of Barraka would enable him be able to return to school and reach his future career goal of becoming a teacher.

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      Thanks for protecting, empowering, & loving Barraka! 

      Forgotten Children Worldwide
      650 N. Main St.
      Bluffton, Indiana 46714