You can help more Spanish-speaking people connect with God

Two years ago, First15 began a Spanish-language version called Primeros15. And God is using it to impact many lives!

But today, he’s calling us to more. More Spanish-speaking men and women connecting with him and impacting the culture around them.

That’s why we’ve just launched a summer campaign to deepen the reach and impact of Primeros15 — and why we’re asking you to jump in with us!

We’ve set a $100,000 goal to be reached, so please give today to see more Spanish-speaking men and women connect with God.

These are people like Bernarda who recently shared…

“God has certainly been very good and merciful to me in allowing me to receive your wonderful devotionals every day. You don’t know how much strength you have given me, and I have seen God’s love manifested to me through you.”  

Primeros15 is such a solid, Bible-based, Christ-centered resource to help Spanish-speaking people like Bernarda connect with God.

This is why meeting the $100,000 goal to grow Primeros15 is so important — and why your donation today is so vital.

Through your support in 2021, we’ll be able to…

  • fully launch the Primeros15 podcast, becoming one of very few Spanish resources on the podcast platform;
  • develop and create social media content in Spanish, reaching this audience right where they are; and
  • increase our reach to Spanish-speaking readers and listeners by tens of thousands of people!

Every dollar you give reaches one new Primeros15 reader, so please give generously.

Thank you for your support and generosity to help more people like Bernarda “conéctate con Dios” (connect with God). We’re grateful!

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        Your tax-deductible donation to First15 enables us to create resources that help millions of people connect with God at no charge. Everyday believers around the world are engaging with God and building the foundation of their Graces through our writing, app, podcasts and music. Thank you for your support!

        To donate by check, mail to: PO Box 226903 | Dallas, TX 75222

        All other mail can be sent to the address below.

        17304 Preston Rd Suite 1060
        Dallas, Texas 75252

        ECFA Guidestar

        If you're wondering why we ask for donations, see our giving page.

        *Once you donate we will start to send you the Daily Devotional and other emails to help you spend time with God.

        Acceptance of a donation by Denison Ministries is subject to the ministry’s Gift Acceptance Guidelines, a copy of which is available on request. Denison Ministries will treat any donor gift restrictions and/or designations as a suggestion, unless the ministry’s Board of Directors has approved the restriction and/or designation in advance of receiving the gift.

        View our return policy here.