Put God’s Soul-Satisfying Word in the Hands of a Believer in Need of Hope!

Your gift today can make all the difference for a spiritually-hungry Christian… because you’ll share God’s life-giving Word with a believer who needs a bible.

It only takes $6 to put a Bible in the hands of a believer who needs one. That means...

  • Your gift of $24 below puts God's Word and discipleship materials in the hands of 4 spiritually-hungry Christians.
  • A $48 gift below means 8 believers gets to have their own copies of God's soul-satisfying Word and materials to help them grow.
  • And a very generous gift below of $96 shares Bibles and discipleship materials with 16 believers in need of spiritual nourishment.

Thank you for making an eternal difference with your gift today!

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      Faith Gives
      4880 Santa Rosa Road
      Camarillo, California 93012