Give to the Chamberlain Interfaith Fellowship

The Chamberlain Interfaith Fellowship is a partnership between Temple Beth Shalom and Eastern University. In a time of religious and societal divisions, the CIF brings together young people from the Jewish and Christian faiths who desire to learn about another faith community’s outlook, practices, and values.

David Feldman and his wife, Sydney, created  and provided initial funding for CIF to memorialize Ted Chamberlain’s work at Eastern University for 30 years, and his lifelong dedication to sharing common values with people of other faith communities.

The Dr. Ted Chamberlain Interfaith Fellowship Initiative honors Ted’s legacy by:

  • Providing an opportunity for students of different faith traditions to learn about each other’s religious concepts while encouraging fellowship between them.
  • Helping students realize how much they have in common despite their religious differences.
  • Formalizing a program between these two institutions, their faculty, and students designing a curriculum of study, discussion, guidance, and community service through the faculty leadership from EU and TBS.

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      Eastern University
      1300 Eagle Road
      St Davids, Pennsylvania 19087