Whales & Dolphins need our help... and we need yours.

Animal Necessity is helping to raise funds for  Dolphins Plus Marine Mammal Responder (DPMMR) and to spread the word of this amazing fundraiser to help marine mammals in South Florida. Start the new year in a positive manner by helping this worthy charitable cause. 

DPMMR is located in Key Largo, FL, and is a not-for-profit organization 501(c)3 that leads and operates the ONLY whale and dolphin rescue organization covering 10,000 square miles of marine habitat in the Florida Keys.

DPMMR is also the home of seven Atlantic bottlenose dolphins and their mission is to connect thousands of environmental stewards to our ambassador dolphins so that they can learn to protect their wild counter parts. DPMMR does this via educational programs, promoting understanding of marine mammals through scientific investigation, and to provide excellent animal husbandry and preventive medical care. Animal Necessity and DPMMR’s longitudinal nutritional and supplement research provides leading edge information, allowing for better care for their con-specifics that strand from the wild. 

DPMMR is the only rescue organization for whales and Dolphins in the Florida keys.  DPMMR is seeking to purchase a waterfront property in Key Largo that will be transformed into a long term rehabilitation center. Currently, the Florida Keys lacks this vital long term rehabilitation facility,  and animals are dying as a result. 

We need to raise one million dollars AS SOON AS POSSIBLE  to acquire this unique property.  DPMMR has researched and identified a waterfront parcel that meets all of our criteria for long term rehabilitation as well as a permanent home for non-releasable marine mammals, that need permanent managed care.  Once the property is secured, DPMMR will initiate a capital campaign to build a teaching hospital.   Researchers, veterinarians, and students from all over the world will have an opportunity to learn, engage, and become the next generation to protect our endangered marine environment. Connecting more people means protecting more marine mammals, and with you on board we will do just that!  We will “Connect to Protect”. 

The time is now, let’s accomplish this positive goal. Please donate today.   Any amount will help, and we sincerely thank you for your donation.

All donations to DPMMR are tax-deductible. 

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      Dolphins Plus Marine Mammal Responder
      (606) 872-0493
      31 Corrine Place
      Key Largo, Florida 33037