Matching Grant DOUBLES your gift to share the gospel in 2021!

Generous friends of DFEA have stepped forward with a $10,000 Matching Grant, which will DOUBLE your gift to help share the life-transforming message of Jesus with more people in the year ahead!

That means your year-end gift below will go even further to…

  • Equip more pastors who minister in nations where persecution is rampant
  • Reach and encourage more people via our daily devotions and podcast
  • Support ministries and missionaries on the front lines of the gospel movement
  • And more!

So thank you for your incredible generosity today – and know we’re deeply grateful for your partnership!

Your Donation

This month's donation will be processed immediately.

Beginning next month, the same amount will be processed on the date selected until the subscription is modified or cancelled.

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      Danny Forshee Evangelistic Association
      512-343-7763 #211
      PO Box 202498
      Austin, Texas 78720