Rest in the hope of God’s truth

Rest in the hope of God’s truth

Finding your rest in God’s truth is especially important right now – both for you and those around you who need the hope of the gospel that you have in your own life.

That’s why with the summer campaign in full swing, we’re excited to send you a copy of Touched by the Truth as thanks for your gift today.

With contributions from Pastor Danny and 50 other Christian leaders, this devotional will help you grow in your confidence of God’s truth and inspire you to share it with others.

Your gift will help touch more lives with God’s truth!

So please give today to take advantage of the match and request your copy of Touched by the Truth. Thank you!

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          Danny Forshee Evangelistic Association

          512-343-7763 #211
          PO Box 202498
          Austin, Texas 78720