Embrace the beauty of God’s story in a new way!

Embrace the beauty of God’s story in a new way!

While God speaks to us primarily through His Word, He uses other means to add color to the biblical narrative and make it all the move vibrant. One of those ways is through the beauty of art.

We want to help you embrace the beauty of God’s magnificent story anew by sending you Pastor Danny’s series Preaching the Paintings as thanks for your gift below to continue spreading the gospel around the world.

Each message relates to a famous painting depicting an important scene in the Bible such as:

  • The Prodigal Son
  • The Last Supper
  • The Transfiguration
  • The Good Samaritan
  • And more!

This collection of inspiring messages will ignite in you a greater sense of awe over God’s creativity as well as your place in the grand story He’s telling today.

Request either a digital or physical copy below – and thank you for your commitment to seeing God’s Word transform lives!

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          Danny Forshee Evangelistic Association
          512-343-7763 #211
          PO Box 202498
          Austin, Texas 78720