Get answers to life’s BIG questions!

Get answers to life’s BIG questions!

Does God exist? If so, why is there so much pain and suffering? Does life have a purpose? Is the Bible really the Word of God?

We’ve all asked these questions at one time or another. And in his 7-part teaching series, Explore God, Danny Forshee gives you compelling, straightforward answers to big questions like these.

Packed with unwavering truth, this resource will help you build a stronger, more confident faith. Plus, it makes a great gift for anyone with questions about God, whether they’re Christian, atheist, or anywhere in between.

Explore God is our thanks for your gift below to help point you and others to Jesus – and equip believers around the world to share their faith.

Thank you for your generous support. We pray Explore God strengthens your faith and empowers your witness!

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          Danny Forshee Evangelistic Association

          512-343-7763 #211
          PO Box 202498
          Austin, Texas 78720