Ground the children you know with deep faith in this unique time

Ground the children you know with deep faith in this unique time

While your daily routine has probably changed dramatically in recent months, right now is a great opportunity to point the kids in your life to Jesus.

So to thank you for your gift below, we’ll send you a copy of the brand-new book, Bedtime Devotions with Jesus Bible. Written for children ages 4–8, it’s a collection of prayers and devotions that you can read together.

There is no greater gift you could offer a child than a deeper understanding of who God is through regular time in His Word.

So request your copy of Bedtime Devotions with Jesus Bible when you give a gift below – and make the most of this time by helping children in your life find joy in spending time with their Savior.

Thank you for helping share the hope of Jesus with more people!

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Beginning next month, the same amount will be processed on the date selected until the subscription is modified or cancelled.

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          Danny Forshee Evangelistic Association

          512-343-7763 #211
          PO Box 202498
          Austin, Texas 78720