Impact Lives with God’s Truth and Love This Summer and Beyond
In a world increasingly shrouded in darkness, the need for spiritual and cultural renewal is growing. But as the world grows darker, our opportunity to shine becomes even greater.
Your donation will be strategically invested to create and distribute more meaningful content to help you and all God’s people radiate his glory more brightly each day.
Here are the current and upcoming projects you’ll help make possible through your gift:
- Being Christian in Today’s Culture: An 8-episode podcast series that delves into living a Christ-centered life in complex times.
- 2024 Election Insights: A special podcast series to navigate the political landscape with faith.
- Book on Identity: Exploring our identity in Christ in the midst of modern challenges.
- Peace in Politics: An eBook and podcast series designed to find peace in the chaos of the election season.
- Worship Album: Inspirational music to deepen your worship experience.
- Kids Advent: Programs to teach our children the true essence of Christmas.
- Guided Prayer Videos: Tools to deepen your daily communication with God.
- Prayer Journal: Enhance your reflective journey with a dedicated prayer journal.
- Christian Parenting Podcast Network: Support for parents committed to raising children in faith.
- Foundations with Janet Denison: Access to a new Bible study completely free, a gift made possible by the generosity of our donors.
If you call yourself Christian, that means you are to illuminate God’s truth and love on earth.
So, please give below, knowing your generosity will be used to create and distribute more meaningful content to help you and all God’s people radiate his glory more brightly this summer and beyond.
*If you choose to make a gift in memory of or in honor of, you are giving us permission to provide the recipient with your contact information (name, email, phone number and physical address). If you do not wish to share this information, please make a note in the “Your Message to the Recipient” box.