Help reach the $482,173 Goal by July 31
At Denison Forum, we create content that offers Christians a biblical perspective on the day's latest headlines and toughest topics.
Through The Daily Article email newsletter and podcast, our new Denison Forum Podcast, our newly redesigned website at, and our ongoing book releases, what we produce as a result of our partnership with our donors reaches millions of Christians across the globe every month.
This is why meeting the $482,173 goal by July 31 is so vital — and why your donation today is so important.
More than ever, I’m convinced that the main battlefront for our culture is a digital one. This is why we’ve invested so heavily to deepen our online impact. In fact, every month...
- 578,000 Daily Article emails are read.
- 121,000 podcast episodes are downloaded between The Daily Article and The Denison Forum Podcasts.
- 137,000 articles are read on our website.
- 459,000 people follow us on social media.
These numbers aren’t just stats. They represent real people who are on the front lines of the battle for our culture every day. But as you can imagine, the costs to spiritually feed and grow our audience are high.
If you already donate to Denison Forum, thank you for partnering with us in that way. We humbly ask that you also consider making an additional gift to help us reach a $482,173 goal before July 31.
When you give, you give toward a ministry solely focused on "speaking the truth in love" to a culture in desperate need of both.
Thank you for considering partnering with us so that more people might see the truth behind today's headlines and follow God's call on their lives.
*If you choose to make a gift in memory of or in honor of, you are giving us permission to provide the recipient with your contact information (name, email, phone number and physical address). If you do not wish to share this information, please make a note in the “Your Message to the Recipient” box.