Help Reach the $150,000 Goal by June 30
Now more than ever, God’s people must prepare for the challenges that are coming.
We’re in the early stages of a movement the church has never faced before, one which threatens us in ways that are now becoming clearer.
That’s why the Denison Forum has launched a major summer campaign to increase our ability, together, to impact our culture with biblical truth. We’ve set a goal of $150,000 to be reached by June 30, and we’re asking for your donation below to help reach this goal.
The further our society moves from biblical truth, the more people will hunger for biblical truth.
This is why meeting the $150,000 goal by June 30 is so vital — and why your donation today is so important.
Thank you for giving to impact our culture with biblical truth. We’re grateful for your generous and timely response.
*If you choose to make a gift in memory of or in honor of, you are giving us permission to provide the recipient with your contact information (name, email, phone number and physical address). If you do not wish to share this information, please make a note in the “Your Message to the Recipient” box.